What to do to stay physically fit during coronation



The epidemic of coronavirus has almost everyone trapped in the house. Spending time lazily. As a result, excess fat is accumulating in the unemployed body. To prevent corona on him, it is necessary to increase the immunity at this time.

A number of hassle-free exercises can boost your immune system. With age, diabetes, high blood pressure or hypertension, hyperhidrosis, or high blood cholesterol levels ের these problems can be exacerbated by not being able to walk or exercise for long periods of time. So you have to stay active all day instead of lying down. The amount of exercise should also be increased.



What kind of exercise do you do?


1. To exercise, someone may be walking a little briskly on the roof or treadmill regularly, while others are doing yoga. But the whole thing is never done. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.


2. According to the World Health Organization and the American College of Sports Medicine, healthy and physically fit people between the ages of 18 and 64 need to do aerobic exercise at a moderate pace of 150 minutes or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise a week. Exercises to increase muscle strength should be done two to three days a week.


3. Aerobic exercise refers to walking, jogging, cycling, skipping, swimming, etc. How to do it in this lockdown. So walk on a treadmill or rooftop, do spot jogging, do spot skipping or ride a static bike.


4. Walking as hard as possible benefits the heart and lungs more. 20-30 minutes in a row. If you can't pull, walk for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the afternoon. At such a speed that even if you can breathe, you can talk two or four times, but you can't sing.


5. Take a look at the knee-waist-ankle condition. If the heart-lung function is low, do aerobic exercise with the advice of a doctor. However, before walking or jogging, wear good walking shoes. Otherwise, there may be a pain in the legs.


. What is stretching? Almost everyone knows how to do stretching. Nothing special, this exercise is very useful to keep every muscle in the body active. Leg-waist-spine stretching will be very useful at this time. You can do it if there is no pain or big problem of joints and muscles.


. Muscle-strengthening or muscle strengthening exercises can be done in two ways. Uses weights and body weights. Also called bodyweight training. There are different types of squatting, such as leg rising, plank, push-ups, etc. However, if there is no habit for the elderly or people with chronic illness or low fitness or knee-waist pain, it is necessary to do a suitable exercise with the advice of a physiotherapist; Otherwise, you will have to face various difficulties. Healthy people can do all these exercises.


. Recently, a number of new types of exercises have been introduced, so that stretching, balancing, strength training, all with aerobics to the beat of the tune. One such is Tabata. If you are young, if you have fitness, you can do Tabata.


9. Zumba can. However, only if the age is low and fitness is high. If you have good fitness even in old age, you can do it if your knees and waist are right. Those who do Zumba, don’t give it up this time. As good as your body will be in Zumba, your mind will also be a little lighter.


10. You can do yoga. It can be done by people of all ages, it takes very little space. So you can do it anywhere in the house.


11. Meditation. In addition to our physical well-being, mental well-being is also important. Because during this time we are all going through some kind of mental stress, some maybe or physical, some are suffering from financial problems, which leads to mental stress; So if you meditate regularly along with exercise, you can stay mentally healthy.


Try to stay active most of the time as well. If you have a habit of sitting in one place, avoid it. Otherwise, you will not get the benefits of exercise properly.


What will happen if you exercise?


1. Excess body fat will be lost.


2. Keeps the heart and lungs fresh, which plays a big role in preventing coronavirus complications.


3. Helps to keep sugar-pressure-cholesterol low. Kovid-19 has a relationship with the first two.


4. Bone health is good. The tendency of bones to soften and break down decreases.


5. Increases physical fitness and immunity. To prevent coronavirus, we need to fight it.


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