What to use lemon


The effectiveness of lemon is not limited to enhancing the taste of our food and drinking lemon juice to satisfy our thirst. Lemon has many more uses.


Many of us may not know about these uses. Today let's take a look at what you can do with the lemon near your hand.


1) Removing ink stains from clothes-

Rub a slice of lemon on the stain to remove ink stains from the cloth. Lemon citric acid will remove stains instantly. Then wash the clothes well in cold water. Busy, problem-solving.


2) Increase the brightness of nails-

Many times, as a result of doing various kinds of work, the fingernails become dirty and pale. Stains also fall on the nails. To get rid of all these problems, soak your nails in lemon juice for only 10 minutes. Get back the lost shine of nails.


3) Get rid of blackheads -

Before going to bed at night, apply lemon juice on both sides of the nose and nose every day. Get up the next morning and wash with cold water. Doing this every day will make the hair follicles smaller and will get rid of the problem of blackheads forever.


4) To restore the lost brightness of white cloth-

The white cloth turns yellow after washing several times. To solve this problem, mix half a cup of lemon juice in 2 mugs of water and soak the cloth for a while. Then wash well in water. You will see that the lost brightness of white cloth has returned.


5) Relief from sore throat and cold-

Cut a lemon in half and hold it over the stove. When the cut part of the lemon turns brown, drink 1 teaspoon of lemon chip mixed with honey. Or mix 4 teaspoons of lemon juice, 1 cup of honey, and half a cup of olive oil and keep it in the oven for 5 minutes and heat it. When this mixture cools down, drink 1 teaspoon every 2 hours. Get the problem solved quickly.


6) Get rid of dandruff -

Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice in 2 cups of water well. Wash your hair after shampooing with this mixture every time. Note that the mixture seems to be more on the scalp. Get rid of dandruff very quickly.


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