6 expectations for men in the first night of marriage.

The first night of marriage is an important night for any couples life. Good to tell that both of them have so many dream for this night. There are many want and get. Female goes to husband house with deep of hopes. But, Does not husband hope? Lets go to know such 7 things which every husband expect from wife

Wife looks like a beautiful women

In life much more people don't marriage over and over again. Special the first night of marriage don't come again.And Every male wants to see wife like his dream girl. They hope that wife will look one of the beautiful women in the world.

He is the first man in life of wife

Most of the mans still hope that wife will virgin. He will be the first man for physical relation
 with wife.

A little bit shame

 Garnish Shame women, this talk is the big truth in the night of marriage. Love marriage or family
 marriage, Every man hopes this special night that wife will get shame, This will make more love for both.

Hope for the bright life in future 

 You & wife both of you start a new life, so, this night is very important. This is the ideal time of promise and hopes. Husband hopes that wife will give him a happy better family.

Self praise

Who does not love to hear self praise? and men are likely to hear praise from the mouth of wife. The expectations are more in the night of marriage.

Express satisfaction of expectations from the house of husband

 Don't be disappoint with What happened in the wedding party,what did not happened, what you got or did not get etc. Don't be disappoint with such things.
express satisfaction with what you got. See, In the eyes of husband your respect will be a lot.



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